Results for 'Sergio Sezino Douets Vasconcelos'

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  1.  34
    A união mística com o Orixá através da participação no Axé (The mystical union with the deity Orisha through participation in Axé) - 52/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p737. [REVIEW]Sergio Sezino Douets Vasconcelos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):737-756.
    As religiões de matriz africana no Brasil possuem um rico e complexo sistema de crenças, ritos e mitos que caracterizam a sua experiência religiosa. Este trabalho limita-se a estudar alguns temas religiosos do Candomblé de raiz nagô. A ideia de criação funda-se na concepção de um duplo cosmos, organizado em dois planos: o universo físico (aiyê) e o seu duplo espiritual (órum). Deus (Olorum), concebido como ser supremo e criador de todos os outros seres, estabelece relação com os seres humanos (...)
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    Educação e valores: pontos e contrapontos [Education and values: points and counterpoints].Mário Sérgio Vasconcelos - 2009 - Journal of Moral Education 38 (4):560-561.
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    Filosofia como educação do pensamento.Paulo Sérgio Dantas Vasconcelos - 2023 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 28 (2).
    Nossos estudos estão voltados à discussão de problemas gerados na práxis pedagógica do Ensinar. Toda análise que envolve o ensino, seja ele em qualquer nível, não pode desmerecer, antes de tudo, uma acurada atenção aos problemas peculiares referentes a essa atividade. Nossas reflexões encontram-se apoiadas nos desafios e estratégias presentes em Heidegger e Deleuze, naquilo que parece ser para ambos o desafio maior de suas filosofias: _ “o que significa pensar?'' _ e suas considerações aplicadas à dimensão educacional.
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    ELIZABETH ANSCOMBE's LEGACY FOR TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY ETHICS.Sergio Cremaschi, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Tito Magri & Gabriele De Anna - 2023 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 32 (2):397-417.
    The occasion for this dialogue on Elisabeth Anscombe’s legacy for twenty-first-century ethics came with the publication in Italian of the collection of her ethical writings (G. E. M. Anscombe, Scritti di etica con un saggio di Peter Geach, a cura di S. Cremaschi, Morcelliana, Brescia 2022). In addition to making Anscombe’s ethical writings accessible to the Italian public, the book brings together her contribution to practical philosophy to its full extent for the first time. Vaccarezza's essay discusses Anscombe’s critique of (...)
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  5. Knowing the Good and Knowing What One is Doing.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (S1):91-117.
    Most contemporary action theorists accept – or at least find plausible – a belief condition on intention and a knowledge condition on intentional action. The belief condition says that I can only intend to ɸ if I believe that I will ɸ or am ɸ-ing, and the knowledge condition says that I am only intentionally ɸ-ing if I know that I am ɸ-ing. The belief condition in intention and the knowledge condition in action go hand in hand. After all, if (...)
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    Prison as a Generator of Social Disablement.Sergio Grossi & Luca Decembrotto - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):21-30.
    The paper explores the effects of social disablement caused by imprisonment, analyzing how this institution can exacerbate existing disability conditions or create new ones. Through a review of sociological literature, it highlights how the prison context can significantly contribute to an additional level of disablement. Considering the incapacitating effects of imprisonment, it emerges that the prison system acts as a “producer” of social disablement, intensifying marginalization processes and increasing societal disparities. This process is fueled by prison overcrowding, loss of employment (...)
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  7. Probability as typicality.Sérgio B. Volchan - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (4):801-814.
  8.  19
    Vacunas contra la covid-19: consideración bioética.Sérgio Araújo Andrade, Patrícia Alves da Costa Andrade, Daniel Vaz Andrade, Regina Consolação dos Santos, Fernando de Pilla Varotti & Bashir Abdulgader Lwaleed - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 25 (2):2527-2527.
    The COVID-19 pandemic produced immeasurable impacts on the economy, education, and socialization, besides the loss of millions of lives. Thus, there has been an accelerated development of an unprecedented number of COVID-19 vaccine candidates to control the pandemic. The World Health Organization’s emergency use authorization of COVID-19 vaccines still in clinical trial allowed immunizing the population. This paper presents a perspective of the bioethical precepts of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice in the emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines. Furthermore, it emphasizes (...)
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    Absolutismus, Carl Schmitt (1926). Una definición de Schmitt sobre el absolutismo político.Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):411-416.
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    La reversión del poder al pueblo. Segunda escolástica y realidad política.Sergio-Raúl Castaño - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El presente artículo se introduce en la cuestión de la reversión del poder a partir de las posiciones de Suárez sobre el origen de la potestad política. A continuación aborda el problema en autores representativos de la segunda escolástica. Por último, con el ejemplo de los sucesos posteriores a 1808 en los reinos americanos de la monarquía castellana, intenta determinar si es dable sostener en la realidad objetiva alguna forma de reversión del poder a la comunidad.
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    Bounded distributive lattices with strict implication and weak difference.Sergio Celani, Agustín Nagy & William Zuluaga Botero - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-36.
    In this paper we introduce the class of weak Heyting–Brouwer algebras (WHB-algebras, for short). We extend the well known duality between distributive lattices and Priestley spaces, in order to exhibit a relational Priestley-like duality for WHB-algebras. Finally, as an application of the duality, we build the tense extension of a WHB-algebra and we employ it as a tool for proving structural properties of the variety such as the finite model property, the amalgamation property, the congruence extension property and the Maehara (...)
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  12. Conditional algebras.Sergio Celani, Rafał Gruszczyński & Paula Menchón - forthcoming - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
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    Recuperando una ética afectiva de la alegría.Sergio Casado Chamizo - 2021 - Isegoría 65:24-24.
  14. (1 other version)Prospettive di filosofia del diritto.Sergio Cotta - 1971 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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  15. Oralidade e poder hierárquico nas organizações/terreiros do Batuque Gaúcho: entre o direito sagrado de fala e o dever de escuta atenta.Sérgio Gabriel Fajardo & Rudimar Baldissera - 2023 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 29 (1).
    Neste artigo refletimos sobre a oralidade no Batuque Gaúcho. Nessa direção, o principal objetivo é o de problematizar a oralidade nos processos de instituição de poder hierárquico nessas organizações/terreiros. Para isso, empreendermos revisão bibliográfica e acionamos dados de pesquisa empírica realizada por [ocultado para avaliação cega], que consistiu na realização de entrevistas com sete pais/mães de santo. Os dados empíricos foram interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2016). Como principais resultados inferimos que a oralidade é, em si, materialização (...)
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    Occupational Injuries and Use of Benzodiazepines: A Systematic Review and Metanalysis.Sergio Garbarino, Paola Lanteri, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Giovanni Gualerzi & Matteo Riccò - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Benzodiazepines have been widely used in clinical practice for over four decades and continue to be one of the most consumed and highly prescribed class of drugs available in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The literature indicates that Benzodiazepine users at a significantly increased risk of Motor Vehicle accidents compared to non-users but the impact on injuries at workplace is not well-defined. We aimed to investigate whether use of benzodiazepine is associated with increased risk of occupational injuries.Methods: (...)
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  17. Ethical issues of brain-computer interfaces. Perspectives from a personalist bioethics.Sergio Ramon Götte - 2024 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 59:7-34.
    Resumen Las interfaces cerebro-computadora (ICCs) son tecnologías que proveen herramientas para la comunicación entre el ser humano y las computadoras. Dado que las nuevas técnicas asociadas a ICCs podrían influir en la autorregulación emocional, la memoria autobiográfica, el sentido del yo, la identidad, la autonomía, la autenticidad y las atribuciones de responsabilidad presentan importantes objeciones éticas. Entender las consecuencias a largo plazo de estas nuevas tecnologías puede ser difícil. Por lo tanto, los aspectos éticos vinculados a las ICCs necesitan ser (...)
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    Spigolature sulla "doppia verità".Sergio Landucci - 2021 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:540-568.
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    Un pensiero complesso e relazionale.Sergio Manghi & Marco Ingrosso - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 69:167-174.
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  20. Studi di logica e metafisica.Sergio Sarti - 1976 - Udine: La nuova base.
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    Esperanza, credibilidad política e historicidad: la construcción de la confianza y la desconfianza en las vacunas y la vacunación contra el Covid-19 en la Argentina.Sergio Visaconvsky - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 33:418-459.
    Desde diciembre de 2020, el Estado argentino emprendió un plan nacional de vacunación para enfrentar la pandemia de Covid-19. Pese a varias dificultades iniciales, hacia fines de diciembre de 2021 se había logrado vacunar a un alto porcentaje de la población, algo esperable por la historia de aceptación mayoritaria de las vacunas y la vacunación en el país. Sin embargo, también la campaña fue objeto de durísimos cuestionamientos de la oposición política y mediática. Mi pretensión es mostrar que estas disputas (...)
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    Analogue Gravity Phenomenology: Analogue Spacetimes and Horizons, from Theory to Experiment.Francesco Belgiorno, Sergio Cacciatori, Daniele Faccio, Vittorio Gorini, Stefano Liberati & Ugo Moschella (eds.) - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Analogue Gravity Phenomenology is a collection of contributions that cover a vast range of areas in physics, ranging from surface wave propagation in fluids to nonlinear optics. The underlying common aspect of all these topics, and hence the main focus and perspective from which they are explained here, is the attempt to develop analogue models for gravitational systems. The original and main motivation of the field is the verification and study of Hawking radiation from a horizon: the enabling feature is (...)
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  23. The Hard Things about Hard Choices? A Reply to Chang.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (1):aa-aa.
  24. The Vice of Procrastination.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2010 - In Chrisoula Andreou & Mark D. White (eds.), The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of this chapter is to understand more precisely what kind of irrationality involved in procrastination. The chapter argues that in order to understand the irrationality of procrastination one needs to understand the possibility and the nature of what I call “top-down independent” policies and long-term actions. A policy or long-term action) is top-down independent if it is possible to act irrationally relative to the adoption of the policy without ever engaging in a momentary action that is per se (...)
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  25.  27
    Consumer Reactions to CSR: A Brazilian Perspective.Sergio Carvalho, Sankar Sen, Márcio Oliveira Mota & Renata Lima - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (Suppl 2):291-310.
    In this research, we evaluate the response of Brazilian consumers to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives accompanied by a price increase. We demonstrate that the extent to which Brazilian consumers perceive a company to be socially responsible (i.e., their CSR perceptions) is related to both the basic transactional outcome of purchase intentions as well as two relational outcomes: the likelihood to switch to a competitor and to complain about the CSR-based price increase. More interestingly, we find that these relationships are (...)
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    Em direção ao núcleo da ‘obra Maquiavel’: sobre a divisão civil e suas interpretações.Sérgio Cardoso - 2016 - Discurso 45 (2):207-248.
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  27. Efficacy of an ACT and Compassion-Based eHealth Program for Self-Management of Chronic Pain (iACTwithPain): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Sérgio A. Carvalho, Inês A. Trindade, Joana Duarte, Paulo Menezes, Bruno Patrão, Maria Rita Nogueira, Raquel Guiomar, Teresa Lapa, José Pinto-Gouveia & Paula Castilho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630766.
    Background: Chronic Pain (CP) has serious medical and social consequences, and leads to economic burden that threatens the sustainability of healthcare services. Thus, optimized management of pain tools to support CP patients in adjusting to their condition and improving quality of life is timely. Although Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is considered an evidence-based psychological approach for CP, evidence for the efficacy of online-delivered ACT for CP is still scarce. At the same time, studies suggest that self-compassion mediates the change (...)
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    Distributive Lattices with a Negation Operator.Sergio Arturo Celani - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):207-218.
    In this note we introduce and study algebras of type such that is a bounded distributive lattice and ⌝ is an operator that satisfies the condition ⌝ = a ⌝ b and ⌝ 0 = 1. We develop the topological duality between these algebras and Priestley spaces with a relation. In addition, we characterize the congruences and the subalgebras of such an algebra. As an application, we will determine the Priestley spaces of quasi-Stone algebras.
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  29. Externalism, Motivation, and Moral Knowledge.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2011 - In Susana Nuccetelli & Gary Seay (eds.), Ethical Naturalism: Current Debates. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    For non-analytic ethical naturalists, externalism about moral motivation is an attractive option: it allows naturalists to embrace a Humean theory of motivation while holding that moral properties are real, natural properties. However, Michael Smith has mounted an important objection to this view. Smith observes that virtuous agents must have non-derivative motivation to pursue specific ends that they believe to be morally right; he then argues that this externalist view ascribes to the virtuous agent only a direct de dicto desire to (...)
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    Medicamentos, tecnociências e a figura do monstro como horizonte ético.Bruno Vasconcelos de Almeida - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (19):39.
    Os medicamentos estão presentes no cotidiano de pessoas e sociedades de uma maneira inédita no âmbito da cultura. Do ponto de vista da economia, produção, circulação e consumo cresceram massivamente e integram de maneira decisiva os fluxos financeiros produtivos e rentistas que atravessam o planeta. Do ponto de vista das subjetividades, e enquanto objetos tecnológicos, eles atendem às demandas dos processos saúde doença, contribuem para a melhoria de diferentes performatividades humanas e ainda alimentam o sonho do melhoramento e da felicidade. (...)
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  31. Extinction and responsibility: toward an ethics for animal rights to life. de Oliveira Jr, T. V. R. de Vasconcelos & G. de Souza - forthcoming - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics.
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    Diferencias de sexo en las estrategias cognitivas de regulación emocional: un reporte exploratorio en estudiantes universitarios.Sergio Dominguez-Lara - 2019 - Cultura 33:319-327.
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    Tendencias actuales del derecho.Mondragón Duarte, Sergio Luis, Forero Hernández & F. Carlos (eds.) - 2020 - Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Ibáñez.
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    State.Hermann Heller & Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2015 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 4 (7):277-306.
    This article contains the Spanish translation of the entry “Staat”, of Hermann Heller, with an introduction to his political and juridical thought.
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  35. Sulla "Fenomenologia dello spirito".di Sergio Landucci - 1992 - In Pietro Rossi (ed.), Hegel: guida storica e critica. Roma: Laterza.
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  36. Two Anonymous Sets of Scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly Hierarchy -- English translation with commentary.Sergio La Porta - 2008 - Peeters. Edited by S. La Porta & Pseudo-Dionysius.
    These two volumes consist of a critical edition and English translation of the two earliest known Armenian sets of scholia on the Heavenly Hierarchy of Dionysius the Areopagite. Composed in the monastic schools of Erznka in the late thirteenth century, these scholia provide significant insight into how the Heavenly Hierarchy in particular, and Armenian translations of Greek texts in general, were understood by Armenian scholars in the Middle Ages. This editio princeps of the scholia represents a rare critical edition of (...)
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    Come un tradimento: il genocidio e "Il canto di Ulisse".Domenico Sergio Scalzo - 2020 - Urbino: Argalìa editore.
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    Perceptions of intensive care unit nurses of therapeutic futility: A scoping review.João V. Vieira, Sérgio Deodato & Felismina Mendes - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (1):17-24.
    Introduction Intensive care units are contexts in which, due to the remarkable existence of particularly technological resources, interventions are promoted to extend the life of people who experience highly complex health situations. This ability can lead to a culture of death denial where the possibility of implementing futile care and treatment cannot be excluded. Objective To describe nurses’ perceptions of adult intensive care units regarding the therapeutic futility of interventions implemented to persons in critical health conditions. Method Review of the (...)
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  39. Eriugena's intervention in the debate on predestination.Emesto Sergio Mainoldi - 2020 - In Adrian Guiu (ed.), A companion to John Scottus Eriugena. Boston: Brill.
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    Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Complexity:The Dynamics of Natural and Social Systems: The Dynamics of Natural and Social Systems.Cristoforo Sergio Bertuglia & Franco Vaio - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    Covering a broad range of topics, this text provides a comprehensive survey of the modelling of chaotic dynamics and complexity in the natural and social sciences. Its attention to models in both the physical and social sciences and the detailed philosophical approach make this an unique text in the midst of many current books on chaos and complexity. Including an extensive index and bibliography along with numerous examples and simplified models, this is an ideal course text.
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    Subordination Tarski algebras.Sergio A. Celani - 2019 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 29 (3):288-306.
    In this work we will study Tarski algebras endowed with a subordination, called subordination Tarski algebras. We will define the notion of round filters, and we will study the class of irreducible round filters and the maximal round filters, called ends. We will prove that the poset of all round filters is a lattice isomorphic to the lattice of the congruences that are compatible with the subordination. We will prove that every end is an irreducible round filter, and that in (...)
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    n‐linear weakly Heyting algebras.Sergio A. Celani - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (4):404-416.
    The present paper introduces and studies the variety [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL W]ℋn of n-linear weakly Heyting algebras. It corresponds to the algebraic semantic of the strict implication fragment of the normal modal logic K with a generalization of the axiom that defines the linear intuitionistic logic or Dummett logic. Special attention is given to the variety [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL W]ℋ2 that generalizes the linear Heyting algebras studied in [10] and [12], and the linear Basic algebras introduced in [2].
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    Forgetting.Sergio Della Sala (ed.) - 2010 - Psychology Press.
    Memory and forgetting are inextricably intertwined. In order to understand how memory works we need to understand how and why we forget. The topic of forgetting is therefore hugely important, despite the fact that it has often been neglected in comparison with other features of memory. This volume addresses various aspects of forgetting, drawing from several disciplines, including experimental and cognitive psychology, cognitive and clinical neuropsychology, behavioural neuroscience, neuroimaging, clinical neurology, and computational modeling. The first chapters of the book discuss (...)
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  44. Finite axiomatizability of logics of distributive lattices with negation.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper focuses on order-preserving logics defined from varieties of distributive lattices with negation, and in particular on the problem of whether these can be axiomatized by means Hilbert-style calculi that are finite. On the negative side, we provide a syntactic condition on the equational presentation of a variety that entails failure of finite axiomatizability for the corresponding logic. An application of this result is that the logic of all distributive lattices with negation is not finitely axiomatizable; we likewise establish (...)
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    Representations of (Nano)technology in Comics from the ‘NanoKOMIK’ Project.Sergio Urueña - 2024 - NanoEthics 18 (2):1-30.
    Representations of science and technology, embodied as imaginaries, visions, and expectations, have become a growing focus of analysis. These representations are of interest to normative approaches to science and technology, such as Hermeneutic Technology Assessment and Responsible Innovation, because of their ability to modulate understandings of science and technology and to influence scientific and technological development. This article analyses the culture of participation underlying the NanoKOMIK project and the representations and meanings of (nano)science and (nano)technology communicated in the two nano-fiction (...)
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    On the neutrality and values of artifacts.Daniel de Vasconcelos Costa & Pedro Fior Mota de Andrade - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    This paper criticizes the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, and makes the case for a proposal known as Value Sensitive Design, which states that moral values must be considered in the construction and analysis of artifacts. First, (1) we will present the best defense of the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, made by Joseph Pitt. In the following, (2) we will criticize each of the arguments presented by Pitt in favor of the (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Minimal Disturbance in Quantum Logic.Sergio Martinez - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:83 - 88.
    I construct a quantum-logical model of the type of situation that seems to be at the root of the problem of interpreting the projection postulate (Luders' rule) as a criterion of minimal disturbance. It is shown that the most natural way of characterizing minimal disturbance leads to contradictory conclusions concerning the final state.
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    Properties of Saturation in Monotonic Neighbourhood Models and Some Applications.Sergio A. Celani - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):733-755.
    In this paper we shall discuss properties of saturation in monotonic neighbourhood models and study some applications, like a characterization of compact and modally saturated monotonic models and a characterization of the maximal Hennessy-Milner classes. We shall also show that our notion of modal saturation for monotonic models naturally extends the notion of modal saturation for Kripke models.
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    Communist Becomings.Sergio Fiedler - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:411-432.
    More than 30 years after the fall of the soviet block and because of the social and political crisis that have occurred in various places of the world in recent years, there have been important political and academic debates about the meaning of the concept of communism. The current article attempts to contribute theoretically to this discussion by highlighting the different becomings within which communism can be understood in the actual context. Among those are the performative importance of the word (...)
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    A fascinação weberiana: as origens da obra de Max Weber.Sérgio da Mata - 2013 - Belo Horizonte: FAPEMIG.
    Resenha referente ao livro MATA, Sérgio da. A fascinação weberiana. As origens da obra de Max Weber. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2013.
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